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Waiting On Wednesday #4: Walk The Edge by Katie McGarry

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Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine. This spotlights the most eagerly anticipated release of any book. So with no further ado here is this weeks book that I’m drying to read!!

This week I’m waiting on…. Walk The Edge by Katie McGarry

I love all the books that Katie McGarry wrote so far. I really cant wait to read more of her books so I am really dying to read this. I especially want to know more from Razor because he fascinated me in the first book. I also am planning to reread all her books and I’m counting down the days for this book release. I also hear that Katie McGarry has added cameo’s of the characters from the Pushing The Limits series in this series! Cant wait to see what is in store for us.


walk-the-edgeWalk The Edge
Author: Katie McGarry
Series: Thunder Road #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance, MC – Bikers, Young Adult
Pub Date: March 29, 2016
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

goodreads amazon barnes-and-noble

One moment of recklessness will change their worlds 

Smart. Responsible. That’s seventeen-year-old Breanna’s role in her large family, and heaven forbid she put a toe out of line. Until one night of shockingly un-Breanna-like behavior puts her into a vicious cyber-bully’s line of fire—and brings fellow senior Thomas “Razor” Turner into her life.
Razor lives for the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, and good girls like Breanna just don’t belong. But when he learns she’s being blackmailed over a compromising picture of the two of them—a picture that turns one unexpected and beautiful moment into ugliness—he knows it’s time to step outside the rules.
And so they make a pact: he’ll help her track down her blackmailer, and in return she’ll help him seek answers to the mystery that’s haunted him—one that not even his club brothers have been willing to discuss. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. And suddenly they’re both walking the edge of discovering who they really are, what they want, and where they’re going from here.


What’s your pick for Waiting on Wednesday? Let me know in the comments below!


5 thoughts on “Waiting On Wednesday #4: Walk The Edge by Katie McGarry

  1. Thanks for following me 🙂 I followed you back. I’m just new here in the blogging world hihi. Your blog is really amazeballs and you’re an excellent book reviewer. I also posted a WoW meme on my blog. ^^

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